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Academic year: 2018

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♳ I know the boys playing tennis over there.


  The language spoken in this country is English.   


▶現在分詞・過去分詞には,ほかの語句を伴って直前の名詞を修飾する用法がある。  ① 現在分詞: 「~している」「~する」

 ② 過去分詞: 「~された」「~されている」

▶分詞が単独で名詞を修飾するときは,修飾する名詞の前に置く。  この分詞には形容詞化された語も多い。

2 I have a friend who speaks English well.


  The pen (that) you gave me is nice.


▶関係代名詞は,文中の名詞(=先行詞)を,別の文〔 節 〕で修飾するときに使う。  ① 主格の関係代名詞 : 関係代名詞節の中で主語の働きをする。

 ② 目的格の関係代名詞: 関係代名詞節の中で目的語の働きをする。省略できる。


〈 現在分詞による修飾 〉 次の文の  に,( )内の語を適する形(1語)になおして書きなさい。

⑴ Do you know the girl         the piano?  ( play )

⑵ Look at the boy         the car. ( wash )

⑶ The man         over there is my father. ( swim )

⑷ The number of people         Japanese is increasing. ( learn )


〈 過去分詞による修飾 〉 次の文の  に,( )内の語を適する形(1語)になおして書きなさい。

⑴ This is a book         by a famous writer. ( write )

⑵ I have a cat         Kiki. ( call )   

⑶ My mother has a bag         in China. ( make )

⑷ English is a language         in many countries. ( speak )


〈 単独の分詞 〉 次の日本文に合う英文になるように,( )内の語を並べかえなさい。

⑴ 私は中古車を買うつもりです。      I’m going to ( buy / car / used / a ).

  I’m going to .

⑵ あの泣いている子どもはだれですか。   Who ( that / child / is / crying ?

  Who ?

《 関係代名詞の使い分け》

先行詞 動物・もの 人・動物・もの 関係代名詞節の語順

主  格 who which that 〈 関係代名詞+動詞~〉

目 的 格 that which that 〈(関係代名詞)+主語+動詞~〉

練 習 問 題



《 分詞による修飾 》

・ほかの語句を伴う場合 名詞+分詞+語句

・単独の場合 分詞+名詞




〈 主格の関係代名詞 〉 次の文の  に,whoかwhichのいずれか適するほうを書きなさい。

⑴ I have a cat         has blue eyes.

⑵ I have a grandmother         lives in Kochi.

⑶ The girls         are playing tennis are my classmates.

⑷ The building         stands on the hill is our school.


〈 目的格の関係代名詞 〉 次の2文を( )内の語を使って1文に書きかえるとき,  に適する語を書きな


⑴ Tom will show me the new bike. He bought it last week. ( which )

  → Tom will show me the new bike                         last week.

⑵ The man is Mr. Smith. You saw him in the park. ( that )

  → The man                         in the park is Mr. Smith.

⑶ The lunch was delicious. My mother made it. ( that )

  → The                 my mother         was delicious.


〈 目的格の省略 〉 次の文の下線部の語のうち,省略できるものには○を,省略できないものには×を書き


⑴ This is a picture that I took in Kyoto. 〔   〕 

⑵ The car which has two doors is my father’s. 〔   〕 

⑶ Do you know the man that is standing by the door? 〔   〕 

⑷ The city which I want to visit is New York. 〔   〕 


〈 関係代名詞 〉 次の日本文に合う英文になるように,  に適する語を書きなさい。

⑴ 明あきらはコンピュータゲームをするのが好きな男の子です。 

  Akira is a boy                 playing computer games.

⑵ あなたが知っていることすべてを私に話しなさい。   Tell me all                 know.

⑶ 煙突のある家はメグのです。

  The house                 a chimney is Meg’s.

⑷ この本は彼が書いた本よりもおもしろい。

  This book is more interesting than the one                .


〈 関係代名詞 〉 次の日本文に合う英文になるように,( )内の語を並べかえなさい。

⑴ これは先週開店したレストランです。

  This is ( which / restaurant / a / opened ) last week.

  This is last week.

⑵ これは私のおじが10年前に書いた小説です。

  This is a ( wrote / uncle / years / novel / my / ten ) ago.

  This is a ago.

increase 増える  □hill 丘  □New York ニューヨーク  □chimney 煙突  □novel 小説 語句




( )内の日本語を参考にして,  に適する語を〔 〕内から選び,適する形になおして書きなさい。

⑴ I will lend you the book I         yesterday. (私が昨日買った本)

⑵ This is a house         one hundred years ago. (100年前に建てられた家)

⑶ The number of students         by bus isn’t so large. (バスで来る学生)

⑷ He has not read the letter I         last week. (私が先週送った手紙)

⑸ These are the pictures         by my father in New York. (私の父によって撮られた写真)

⑹ I have an uncle         in a large house.  (大きな家に住んでいるおじ)   〔 come  take  buy  live  build  send 〕


次の各組の文がほぼ同じ内容を表すように,  に適する語を書きなさい。

 The dog with long ears is mine.

  The dog                 long ears is mine.

 I saw this bike in the park yesterday.

  This is the bike         I         in the park yesterday.

 Do you know the boys watching TV in the room?

  Do you know the boys                 watching TV in the room?

 The chair he brought was too small for me.

  The chair                 him was too small for me.


意味の通る正しい英文になるように,( )内の語句を並べかえなさい。

⑴ ( caught / my brother / the f ish / by ) was very big.

   was very big.

⑵ The man ( is / the window / reading / by / a book ) my father.

  The man my father.

⑶ Is this ( which / the station / the train / leaves ) at six?

  Is this at six?

⑷ Kobe is ( I / to / have / visit / which / wanted / a city for a long time.

  Kobe is for a long time.


次の日本文を英文になおすとき,  に適する語句を書きなさい。

⑴ 大きな箱を運んでいる男の人は疲れているように見えます。

   looks tired.

⑵ カナダで話されている言語は英語とフランス語です。

   are English and French.

⑶ これは私の母が毎日使うかばんです。

  This is .

lend 貸す  □ear 耳  □brought bringの過去形・過去分詞  □caught catchの過去形・過去分詞 語句

STEP 問 題



●次の英文は,中学生の拓たくが授業で行ったスピーチの一部です。これを読んで,あとの各問いに答えなさい。  When Saki, Kazu and I started to study about world problems three months ago, we were interested in many of them, and we couldn’t choose one problem for our *presentation. So we went to the library. I found an interesting book written in Japanese and English. It was “*If the World Were a Village of 100 People.” It said, “61 people are from *Asia.” It also said, “14 cannot read.” I was surprised because about 99% of people in Japan can read. Kazu asked Saki, “Why are there so many people who can’t read in the world?” But she couldn’t answer. I said, “I’m not sure, but

*maybe many children can’t study at school.” Then we decided to f ind an answer to the question.  We used the Internet and found a picture of a school. The school has too many students in a classroom, and only a few students have *textbooks. When we talked about the school with our teacher, Mr. Takagi, he said, “Why don’t you listen to someone who has been to that country?” It was a good idea. We visited *City Hall. A woman there told us about a doctor, Mr. Nishi. He was in that country for six months and sometimes visited schools as a volunteer doctor.

 A week later, we visited Mr. Nishi. He said, “There aren’t *enough schools. Some children want to learn at school, but they have to take care of their little brothers and sisters. Other children have to work to get food and water for their families.” When I listened to him, the children’s lives

*impressed me. I *said to myself, “It’s not easy to answer our question. I can’t do anything great, but I can do something for an *NGO working to build a new school.”

 From now, I will have a lot of questions. Maybe I can f ind an answer to them, or maybe I can’t, but it’s important to look for an answer. And it’s interesting to learn about something new. I will never stop learning all my life. Some day I want to visit the school in this picture and I will    .   〔 注 〕 presentation 発表  If the World Were a Village of 100 People ﹃世界がもし100人の村だったら﹄       Asia アジア  maybe たぶん  textbook 教科書  City Hall 市役所  enough 十分な       impress 〜 〜に強い印象を与える  say to oneself 心の中で考える  NGO 非政府組織

⑴ 下線部の具体的な内容を示す部分を本文中から探し,その意味を日本語で書きなさい。

  (  )

⑵ 本文の内容と合う対話文になるように,  に適する語句を書きなさい。

 A:       Takuya, Saki and Kazu about Mr. Nishi?    B: A woman working in City Hall did.

⑶  拓也たちが帰ったあと,西にし先生はボランティアで訪れた国に住む友人に,次のようなメールを書きました。 本文の内容と合うように,①〜③に入る最も適切な語をア〜カから1つずつ選び,記号で答えなさい。    Today ( ① ) students in my city visited me. They were interested in a ( ② ) in your country.

They had a picture of it. I told them about poor ( ③ ) who can’t study at school. The students were surprised to hear that. They will learn more about your country.

  ア children  イ family  ウ fourteen  エ school  オ three  カ world

① 〔   〕  ② 〔   〕  ③ 〔   〕

⑷ 本文中の  の中に,5語以上の適切な内容の英語を書き,英文を完成させなさい。   









一貫教育ならではの ビッグブラ ザーシステム 。大学生が学生 コーチとして高等部や中学部の


問13 あなたの職種を教えてください? 


17‑4‑672  (香法 ' 9 8 ).. 例えば︑塾は教育︑ という性格のものではなく︑ )ット ~,..

